The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania Foundation has been in existence for over 100 years. Now in 2016, as a Foundation, we are stronger than ever.
A crucial part of our organization is our members.
One of our members is Joan Quinn. For 56 years, Joan has been a member of The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania.
Joan explains the membership:
“Today, I see Emergency Aid members as a vital, yet relatively small group of women, who are aware or want to become aware of real needs in our community. These women want to do something personally about addressing, and alleviating such problems in a ‘hands on’ way.”
Although The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania has been around for over 100 years, the organization is always looking for a way to brighten the future of tomorrow.
Joan speaks more about being a new member:
“For a new member today, I think that being an integral part of a women’s organization that has successfully served the Philadelphia community for over a hundred years would be an exciting adventure. Obviously, this is a group that has survived wars, depressions and many social changes, a group with its pulse on today, as it looks towards tomorrow. The Emergency Aid has been a vital part of my life for almost sixty years. I moved to this Area from Princeton with my husband and three small children. My realtor invited me to join hew Pantry Shelf Committee which baked breads, brownies and the like for The Emergency Aid’s Annual Christmas Bazaar. That, I figured a young mother could do, I was always in the kitchen, (only one or two short meetings a year). The bazaar provided booths for some forty-five local charitable organizations in a Philadelphia hotel for two days, where they could sell homemade goods,etc. too often as many as two to three thousand people. To underwrite the hotel expenses, etc. there were about thirteen EA booths At the time the organization enjoyed a membership of near 3000. Many members were loyal supporters from World War II time. Those of us involved enlisted husbands and children in setting up the booths and many of the decorations. It was truly a family production. It also saved money…From the very beginning I found myself among a strong group of women, very aware of unmet community needs and determined to resolve these needs. I admired their awareness and their determination to do something to rectify such situations.”
Joan’s experience with The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania Foundation has helped her create a better community, as well as having an impact her personal life. She would recommend the membership to anyone interested in extending a helping hand:
“There is great satisfaction in being part of a group that truly focuses on trying to help others and when these women try to impart this zeal to teen age girls through the Founders’ Award and Scholarship Programs they demonstrate the message that community service must be a real part of a person’s life forever. In a similar way today’s members of the Distribution Committee show by their personal visits and contact with organizations seeking our funds that we really are interested in each one individually, that we are aware and that we care.”
If you, or someone you know are interested in helping The Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania Foundation by becoming a member please contact us at (610) 225-0944 to learn more about how you can become a member!